Established in 1910

Pizzorno family fourth generation continues the family legacy of love and respect for nature that began over a century ago, without losing a single characteristic of their winemaking tradition. However, Carlos Pizzorno has incorporated modern techniques in the vineyards and winemaking looking to maintain and improve oenological excellence.

The wines made today by Pizzorno Family Estates represent a rich and prosperous land. Carlos Pizzorno is the leader of a family that knew how to evolve because they believed in that land and continued to work tirelessly due to his great passion for wine.



The 21 hectares of vineyards that surround the winery are planted in gentle slopes, with permeable soils, of loamy granulometry, limestone, with medium depth. The strains grown are: Tannat, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Arinarnoa, Marselan, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Hamburg Muscat.

We respect, in our vineyards, the ecosystem and contribute to the environment conservation. We do not fertilize the soil and we rationalize the use of water.

Before the harvest an intensive work of green pruning, defoliation and an intense control over the yield are carried out to obtain the best grapes, which is reflected in the quality of the wines, which are elaborated only with our estate grown grapes.

The harvest is made manually, according to sensory parameters determined by our oenologists and the laboratory analyses performed in the winery itself: control of total acidity, pH, sugar, nitrogen, total and extractable anthocyanins, seed maturation, and polyphenols.


Elaboramos nuestros vinos combinando la mejor tecnología con el arte de la elaboración tradicional, siendo nuestro principal objetivo obtener partidas limitadas de vinos finos de alta calidad.
La bodega está ubicada en Uruguay, a 20 km al norte de la ciudad de Montevideo, en la región de Canelón Chico.
En la cava, los vinos son celosamente cobijados en condiciones de temperatura y humedad exactas.
Utilizamos barricas de roble de diversas procedencias americanas y europeas, que les otorgan un buen balance entre fruta y matices de la madera, conservando intensos aromas frutales, cuerpo y carácter únicos.


Carlos Pizzorno

Winemaker and the current winery director. With a wide vision and convinced of the path he was taking, in 1988 he encourage the production of fine wines and made technological acquisitions that soon led to the first exports, and later to the construction of an underground cellar (cava) and tasting room.

Ana Laura Rodriguez

Carlos wife, fundamental pillar of the company. She carried the commercial area and has conquered the first international market where the winery was present. Gastroenterologist by profession, she stepped away from the medical practice for several years to contribute to the development of this family project, to which she now returns full time. However, she continues to research in the medical field the beneficial effects of wine on human health.

Francisco Pizzorno

Carlos and Ana Laura son, currently responsible for all the commercial areas of the company, divides his time among trips abroad, representing the winery in international fairs and expos and leading Tourism and Communication areas. As the fourth generation of the family, he is grateful for the inherited legacy and, just as he received this opportunity from his father, he aspires to perpetuate the family project for many more generations.

Marcelo Laitano

The winery main Winemaker, has been working at the establishment for over 24 years, where he arrived as a student for his first internships. His great talent for the elaboration of high quality wines has led him to enhance his skills abroad, to later apply new production techniques in the winery. He has promoted the carbonic maceration process and the production of natural sparkling wines.

Nestor Merino

With a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Viticulture and Winemaking from the University of the Republic (Uruguay) and SupAgro Montpellier (France), and an Engineer in Wine making in Switzerland, he is an expert in viticulture and responsible for all our vineyards. He joined the team in 2012 and since then has applied major innovations in the vineyard which have resulted in appreciable enhancements in our raw material and, consequently, in our wines.

Duncan Killiner

Consulting Enologist, B.Sc. Oenology degree in 1994 in New Zealand, plays a key role in the Winemakers team. He visits the winery several times during the year, mainly in important moments, such as the grape harvest. He currently lives in Mendoza – Argentina, where, besides advising other wineries, he also performs his own project. He has great responsibility in the elaboration of our successful Sauvignon Blanc.

María Clara Pizzorno

Carlos & Ana daughter, she is an accountant, leading the administrative and financial area of the company. In the last years she achieved the professionalization of a key area for the business thanks to her knowledge and perseverance. In addition to being a reference for customers and suppliers, she takes control of purchases and billing. Dreams of continuing the family project alongside the family and brings new ideas that contribute to the future of the business .

Lucio Alonso

Winemaker by profession, manages the area of experiences, restaurant and lodge. Reference in the company both for clients and the whole team. Leads successfully the development of one of the main business units of the project: Enotourism. His charisma, commitment and values give him a natural leadership that the family is grateful and encourages to continue building.
Su carisma, compromiso y valores le otorgan un liderazgo natural al que la familia agradece e incentiva a seguir potenciando.


Braulio is our house dog. He showed up in our winery in November 2019, he has became our Chef’s and all the team’s friend, who started to feed him. Little by little has been conquering our affection and each one who visits us, takes a picture with him.

Carlos Pizzorno
Winemaker Director


Our mission is to produce grapes of excellent quality, to later obtain fine wines in limited lots, the result of a self-elaboration style that combines art and technology.

The Pizzorno family’s passion and dedication to the land and wine, their concern with the details, their commitment to their work team and to family’s future generations, make the quality of their wines a trademark that surpasses itself year after year.